If you are having issues with your garage door, there are a number of different things you can do to try and determine what the problem might be. 

Check The Tracks For Damage

Before you move onto checking more technical areas, it makes sense to first make sure the key component of the garage door opener is in proper condition. In order for the tracks to be serving their proper function, they must be free of damage and obstructions. A simple visual inspection should suffice. If you find obvious problems with the physical condition of the tracks, then you've likely located the key problem with your garage door. When you or a professional replaces the tracks, other problem areas like alignment or lubrication will be addressed. 

Check Track Alignment

Once you've verified the condition of the tracks, you'll next need to make sure the tracks are properly aligned. If you found the tracks do have damage, it's also very likely that they're out of alignment. Tracks out of alignment can cause the opener to have noticeable trouble raising and lowering the door. It can even cause the opener to stall. Checking the alignment can be quite simple if you can visually identify problems by sighting down the length of each track rail. If you can't seem to see any problems, then a more accurate method is to use a plumb bob hung from different points along the rail and measure their distance to the walls of your garage. 

Check Lubrication

If you didn't seem to find any problems with the tracks condition or alignment, it's a very good idea to ensure they are properly lubricated. Garage door tracks that are not lubricated correctly will cause the opener motor undue stress and could end up costing you quite dearly in the long run. While you might have doubts that the rollers look dry, it is still a good idea to use a non-silicone lubricant on them. Spray the lubricant all along the tracks and on the rollers themselves. 

Check Connections 

It is very possible that your garage door opener just simply doesn't even try to open the door at all. In cases like this, it is likely you have some sort of electrical problem. While cases like this can get quite technical and are best left to the professionals, you can ensure the connections are not disconnected or loose. Check the power cable connected to the motor of the garage door opener for any loose connections. If it is secure but you still don't seem to be getting power to the motor, you can test the power source the motor is connected to by plugging in a cell phone charger or other small accessory.

If you find damage to your garage door and aren't sure how to fix it yourself, contact a garage door service, like Spring King Garage Door Repair
