Has your garage door become slow to open? The last thing you want to deal with is a garage door that opens too slowly or does not open at all when you press your garage door opener. There are several factors that contribute to a garage door's opening speed. Here are some things you can check to get your door opening at a normal speed:

Check the Speed Dial

If your garage door is newer and is not opening fast enough, you might just need to adjust the speed dial. The speed dial tells the door how fast to open and close. If the door has been slow since you installed it, the speed dial is likely still set at the factory setting, which is often fairly slow. You can adjust the speed dial to your preferred speed.

Make Sure the Motor Is Working

If the door is slowly opening and closing, you might have an issue with the garage door motor. The motor will begin making a sound that indicates it is overworking. You might even smell a burning smell from the motor as you try to open the door. You will need to replace the motor for the door to open properly.

See if The Door Mechanism Needs Lubrication

Garage doors have many moving parts. Over time, they need to be lubricated occasionally because they begin to get stiff. As the mechanism begins to stiffen, the door will not move as fast as normal when you open and close it. To lubricate the mechanism, add some lubricant to the tracks, springs, hinges, and rollers.

Check for Damage

If the door is not opening like normal, something might be damaged. After some time, different parts of the garage door can break or wear out, especially near the tracks. Tracks can get loose as the door opens and closes. The rollers that open and close the garage door cannot glide across the tracks at a normal rate of speed. This causes the door to slow down. Other areas of the door may be damaged or dented. If the garage door itself is bent or dented, it may not want to open as quickly as it should. If you see damaged parts, you can try to bend them into place, but you have to be careful. When in doubt, have your garage door checked by a garage door technician.

If none of these options increases your garage door speed, you need to call a garage door technician to determine exactly what the problem is.
